All You Need To Know About CompTIA Security+ Exam

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A cyber attack launched with less than $50 could return over $10,000 according to Deloitte, a cyber risk service company, and don’t think too far, you could be the one receiving the $10,000 if you had one skill: cybersecurity.

Cyber-security professionals earn a lot, but it is understandable when you think of the price that would be paid if a cyber attack were to occur; imagine waking up one day and the website or software on which all of your business activities run has been hacked down, all of your customers can no longer access it and you lose all of your data.

Preventing cyber attacks by hiring experts may be costly, as cybersecurity experts earn a lot, but it is nevertheless a win-win deal for both IT professionals and companies as the companies would have to pay far more if they were to be attacked.

If the cybersecurity world has this much prospect, then what is the best place to start the journey as a cybersecurity professional?

The best bet for anyone hoping to delve into the world of cybersecurity, or for companies looking to secure their systems, is, to seek the necessary knowledge necessary for the CompTIA security+ certification (maybe by taking courses dedicated to this); and for the company, to gather a team of in-house experts who have taken the CompTIA security+ certification too.

This is because the cybersecurity world is a constantly evolving one, and CompTIA ensures to frequently update its examination objectives so that anyone who holds the certification can boast of knowledge of the latest trends in cybersecurity, and have the skills necessary to combat them.

CompTIA Security+

Security+ certification is regarded as the first security certification any IT professional should earn. It is also preferred by more employers than any other IT certification for validating hands-on core cybersecurity skills as it focuses on the latest trends in risk management, risk mitigation, and threat management.

According to CompTIA: ‘CompTIA Security+ is the first security certification IT professionals should earn. It establishes the core knowledge required of any cybersecurity role and provides a springboard to intermediate-level cybersecurity jobs. Successful candidates will have the following skills:

  • Detect various types of compromise and understand penetration testing and vulnerability scanning concepts
    Install, configure, and deploy network components while assessing and troubleshooting issues to support organizational security
  • Implement secure network architecture concepts and systems design
    Install and configure identity and access services, as well as management controls 
  • Implement and summarize risk management best practices and the business impact
    Install and configure wireless security settings and implement public key infrastructure

The CompTIA Security+ exam focuses on today’s best practices for risk management and risk mitigation, including more emphasis on the practical and hands-on ability to both identify and address security threats, attacks and vulnerabilities.’

Cost and language

The certification costs around $370 though this may vary and are available in different languages.


There is no strict prerequisite for CompTIA security+, but it is strongly advised that one take CompTIA A+ exams first to be familiar with the basic concepts that would be expanded, and built upon in Security+.

How Many Questions Are on the CompTIA Security+ Exam?

The CompTIA Security+ exam has no more than 90 questions. After completing the exam, you will be asked to fill out some optional exit survey information about your study practices and why you decided to get certified. This will consist of about 12 multiple-choice questions.

What Types of Questions Are on the CompTIA Security+ Exam?

The best way to be familiar with exam-like questions  is by taking practice tests before your exam.

The CompTIA Security+ exam includes a combination of multiple-choice questions, drag and drop activities, and performance-based items. The multiple-choice questions are single- and multiple- response. Performance-based items test your ability to solve problems in a simulated environment.

Remember to manage your time wisely when solving these problems on your exam. Most of these questions will appear at the beginning of the exam and you won’t be able to see a clock when working on the items.

Click here  to try a sample of  performance-based questions.

What Are the CompTIA Security+ Exam Domains, and What Do They Cover?

The CompTIA Security+ exam includes the following domains and topics:

  • Threats, attacks and vulnerabilities: Analyze indicators of compromise and determine types of malware or compare and contrast types of attacks
  • Identity and Access Management: Implement identity and access management controls or differentiate common account management practices
  • Technologies and Tools: Troubleshoot common security issues or deploy mobile devices securely
  • Risk Management: Explain the importance of policies, plans and procedures related to organizational security
  • Architecture and Design: Summarize secure application development, deployment, cloud and virtualization concepts
  • Cryptography and PKI: Compare and contrast basic concepts of cryptography or implement public key infrastructure
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